Useful links
Beekeeping links
Apiculture NZ - a national industry group representing interests of commercial and hobbyist beekeepers and Honey industry in NZ
NZ Beekeepers - an online community for NZ beekeepers
Eric Tourneret's amazing photography from around the world
Have you ever wondered where the modern Beehive came from? Check out the history of the Langstroth hive and A brief history of Beehives
Habitat for bees
Bees will forage for Nectar and Pollen all year round. Flowering trees are particularly important to bees during Autumn and Spring when other sources are scarce. If you want to look after bees, planting a selection of low maintenance trees will help and also provide additional shelter for livestock.
Trees for bees - regional guides on trees you can plant that will provide pollen and nectar for bees
Trees for bees flowering guide
Planting a riparian strip or fencing off some hillsides, read this from Southern Nurserys
Riparian planting guide - how to incorporate bee forage into riparian & farm planting from Trees for Bees Trust
Beneficial Plants for bees - a list of a some beneficial plants for bees from the NBA website
NZ Honey producing flowers, definitive list of plants that are important to bees
Information about Honey
New Zealand Industry
New Zealand Made - Buy New Zealand made a recognised emblem of products made in New Zealand. This links to their directory search for NZ Made licence holders
AsureQuality - To ensure high food standards are maintained for the processing of New Zealand honey, we are regularly audited by AsureQuality on behalf of New Zealand's Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI).
UMF Honey Association - learn more about UMF certified manuka honey